
Industrial Revolution Dbq Analysis

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The Industrial Revolution was a huge turning point in history. The place where the Industrial Revolution began was in Great Britain because they had many natural resources and a strong economy. By the 1850’s many country villages had grown into industrial towns and cities, and their inhabitants bought food and clothing in stores that offered a large variety of machine-made goods. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of poor working conditions, it was actually a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were transportation became more efficient, more jobs were available, and more inventions were created.
Transportation made a significant impact on the society …show more content…

The ability to get from one place to another is vital, “ The Encarta graphic shows the production of automobiles.” (Document 4) An American businessman, by the name of Henry Ford, made the automobile industry change drastically in a positive way. Ford used the idea of an assembly line and mass production to produce many cars in an efficient and low costly way. Even though Ford made a significant impact on the automobile industry, there was many other contributors like Karl Benz and the Duryea Brothers (Charles and Frank). Like previously mentioned, working in factories was very common, “In a spinning room tending four sides of warp.” (Document 1) Being able to acquire a job was vital during this time and working in the factories with machines was an ideal place to work. Richard Arkwright was an important English inventor who invented the water frame, which was a spinning frame powered by water. Another inventor that had an impact on the textile industry was James Hargreaves, who invented the Spinning Jenny which could spin eight threads at once. The invention of railroads made life and transportation superior, “Railroad travel was fast.” (Document 5) This elaborate and complex invention improved many people’s lives and was invented in 1869 by George Stephenson. Transportation wasn’t like it is today where someone can go to another town in an hour, it was very time consuming and difficult. When the railroad was invented, it made going from place to place more

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