
Infant Physical Development

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The infants physical development starts with the head and then moves to other parts of the body. From the very beginning babies are very curious and are ready to start exploring. Infants necks are unable to support the weight of the head when the baby is sat up straight. They are able to turn their heads left to right when laying down. Infants are able to close their fist. At three months of age babies are more flexible and become more stronger. At this age babies start to try to roll over. They start to grab the edge of the crib and try to pull themselves up so that they can stand with the support of the crib. The infants start to explore more and they are amused by little toys. An example would be a toy that lights up when they touch it, when they discover this they realize that when they push the toy the toy will light up. …show more content…

This is when parents need to be aware of where their child where about are. Infants are known to start crawling at this age. They also grab things and pull things towards them. Parents need to be very observant that their infants at this age do not put anything in their mouth that could make them choke. The age of nine months to a year, the infants can do a lot of things without help. They can sit up by themselves. Infants can stand up without the assistance of an adult. They can decide which toys to pick up and they can pick up the objects they would like to entertain themselves with. Infants can also sit unaided as well, they have built enough support for their neck to support their head weight

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