
Information System Advantages And Disadvantages

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The following report is aimed to illustrate what Information Systems (IS) are the most suitable for “Pharmacy” Ltd. The definition of IS: the system used to connect and coordinate people, processes, data and technology into one structure to achieve common goals. In business environment, it is also described as the interaction between technology and people over business operations.
Within the different types of Information Systems, the most commonly used are:
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system
 Transaction Processing System (TPS)
 Decision Support System (DSS)
 Management Information System (MIS)
The type system created and applied for Pharmacy Ltd is ERP. This type of system assists businesses in operational level within the organization, and it was chosen to be the most appropriate for Pharmacy Ltd due to several …show more content…

The software allows flawless integration of information from different aspects of business, thus helping to manipulate operations in company’s global perspective. Marketing, financial, accounting, manufacturing, human resources and more – the database system is capable of interrelating these departments’ information to each other and link it with transactions’ details.
Brief review of ERP has shown that in early versions, the system focused on functions of offices only and customer’s data were supposed to be managed by the company’s human resources. However, the recent model of ERP 2 included integrated functions of personnel and customer data, thereby, allowing to relate the information within the company more conveniently. Successfully installed ERP system might include forecasting options with improved efficiency and productivity. Accordingly, the company betters its customer relationship management and customer

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