
Insider Trading Case

Decent Essays

Assume that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has a rule that it will enforce statutory provisions prohibiting insider trading only when the insiders make monetary profits for themselves. Then the SEC makes a new rule, declaring that it will now bring enforcement actions against individuals for insider trading even if the individuals did not personally profit from the transactions. In making the new rule, the SEC does not conduct a rule making procedure but simply announces its decision. A stockbrokerage firm objects and says that the new rule was unlawfully developed without opportunity for public comment. The brokerage firm challenges the rule in an action that ultimately is reviewed by a federal appellate court. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions.
1. Is the SEC and executive agency or an independent regulatory agency? Does it matter to the outcome of this dispute? Explain. …show more content…

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates that nation’s stock exchanges, in which shares of stock are bought and sold; enforces the securities laws, which require full disclosure of the financial profiles of companies that wish to sell stocks and bonds to the public. The SEC can exercise their power because they are divided among their branches of the government legislature; rulemaking, executive; enforcement and courts; adjudication. I think it matter to Stockbrokerage if they didn’t do anything illegal and then the SEC came up with new rules, which they are allowed to make. I think in this case the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) of 1996 should be enforced allowing congress to review new rules before the dispute is

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