
Jackie And Me Character Traits

Satisfactory Essays

After reading Jackie and Me by Dan Gutman, I have learned that Joe Stoshack is a dynamic character. At the beginning of the book, Joe is misbehaving; eventually, Joe becomes thoughtful, and then very self controlled.. These character traits were observed through Joe’s actions, dialogue, relationships, choices, and problems. In the first chapters I have learned that Joe was dishonest and through his action and choices and this tells me this character cannot be trusted. One reason why Joe is dishonest, is that Joe told Mrs. Robinson (Jackie’s wife) and other people that he wasn't a time traveler even thought Joe was. Another reason is that when Joe got back from the journey Joe didn't tell his teacher that he went back in time Joe said he found it from the baseball cards and lied when he should have been honest although he didn't want people to know. The last reason why Joe is dishonest, is when Joe came back from the first time that he didn't tell his mom that he got chased down from the cops. …show more content…

One time when Joe was mischievous was when Joe was chased by the cops and Joe hid in a bush and didn't get caught and then held his card against his chest until he felt that tingling sensation and went to the future back home. Another reason why Joe was mischievous was when Joe lied about not getting chased by the cops and was sneaky (mischievous) about the cops to his mom when he should have just told her and be honest. Joe was sneaky (mischievous) when he was talking to people and never told them that he was from the future and

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