
Jick And Peiperl: Business Analysis

Decent Essays

I appreciate you adding more historical information throughout your post. I find that both Jack Welch and Dennis Hightower were at the right place at the right time and they ultimately were able to successfully implement the needed change for their respected companies. In today’s business world and taking consideration of the growth of globalization, leaders and organization should recognize that change is continuous. Jick & Peiperl (2011) expands on this issue by stating: A related development has been the growing acceptance of the need to embrace uncertainty rather than try to avoid it or design it away. The idea that we can control the work around us is in many ways the most unnatural conceit of the Industrial age (p. 503). Moreover, in the game of chess, a player should attempt to be at least two steps ahead of their competitor. Therefore, it is vital that a leader treats change in the same manner and attempt to always be two steps ahead of the competition and their employees. Once a leader sets a new vision it is vital that specific leader possesses competent managers to oversee and implement that change. …show more content…

10). Therefore, in order to have successful change, it is vital for managers to maintain control and communicate with all of the change agents during the change process. Finally, the change that Hightower and Welch showcased this unique capability to have a leader that possessed the vision and those leaders having the correct personnel to oversee the implementation of the

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