
Labeling For Better Or Worse By Jim Kling

Decent Essays

Kling, Jim. "Labeling for Better or Worse." Nature Biotechnology vol. 32, no. 12, 2014, pp. 1180-1183. Academic Search Premier, doi: 10.1038/nbt.3087. Accessed 30 Sept. 2016. In his article “Labeling for Better or Worse” (2014), Jim Kling informs readers of the benefits of labeling genetically modified foods, while also discussing a few disadvantages. Kling discusses laws proposed for this issue, the response to these laws, and the difficulties they may face on a national scale, while also educating readers on why labeling these foods has become an issue. The purpose of this article is to enlighten readers as to why this has recently become a hot topic. Directed towards anyone who is interested, the author uses an informative tone to educate

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