
Essay on Lack of Economic Equality in Society

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"Everywhere in the world there are gross inequities of income and wealth. They offend most of us" stated Milton and Rose Friedman in "Created Equal" (280) .

Economic inequalities cause poverty, this disparity fuels social conflict. This economic

oppression thrives within the heart of all societies. Poverty is recognized in many

forms: hunger, homelessness, being ill without the ability to seek medical attention.

Poverty also includes powerlessness, lack of freedom, spurred on by lack of

representation. During economic change, whether gradual or suddenly, the fallout has an

effect on all people. Social inequality is deeply and tightly woven throughout the world,

defined by race, ethnicity, gender, …show more content…

The social conflict paradigm recognizes that patterns which benefit some people more than others due to their social standings. America was once described a rich and free country where the streets are paved with gold and opportunity is knocking around every corner. Why then, are there so many poor people in America and more disturbingly that most of these poverty level people are women? The answer is quite recognizable, the disparity originates with economic inequality. Economic society does not provide the same opportunities for a man versus a Woman, nor to poor people versus people who come from a rich and prestigious family. For example, assume that a man and a woman both with the same academic backgrounds and qualifications apply for a job, the man has a marginally superior chance to secure the job as opposed to the woman?s odds. Discrimination plays a paramount role in our society today and discrimination and favoritism is what fuels and sustains economic inequality. The woman applicant doesn?t have the same advantages, written or not written, spoken or unspoken than that of the man, these factors create social barriers. Often times we wonder why is this happen, because we are created equal as

Thomas Jefferson emphasized in

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