
Law 531 Week 2 Business Ethics Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Hello Mr. Poulson, I hope all is well and thank you for the opportunity you have given me to offer a recommendation on how to solve the crisis INDE is currently facing. As you know the technological crisis that arose from corrupted Augmented Reality software we produce for our Augmented reality products has affected our servers very severely. As a result, this is the first technological crisis the company has ever faced. The misuse of confidential information gave hackers the all access to infuriate our servers which lead to the start of the crisis. However, technological crisis occurs frequently in the industry.

Over the years I have been at INDE, I have realized that we lack a business ethics in the workplace, which has sometimes lead to ethical dilemmas and quite frankly has affected the quality of work and trust with employees. I know this company started off as a startup but as we strive to provide our clients a world class product and service we must not forget on important work ethics at INDE. The crisis we are facing right now easily could avoided. …show more content…

The business ethics programs I believe will convey our company values, these are often stated in a code of conduct, where employees will have to follow and understand policies to guide decisions and behavior. This recommendation I am giving will require employees at INDE to participate in extensive training as as well evaluating situations where ethical dilemmas can arise and lead to crisis such as the one we are facing currently. However, the ethics program will be useless if all staff members aren’t trained about what it is.

With thanks and appreciation, I look forward to speaking with you regarding my

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