
Law and Ethics for Business Owners

Decent Essays

Entrepreneurship Law Final Exam 1. Who owns the CadWatt Solar cell technology? What rights, if any can SSC claim on it? SSC owned the technology, because the invention related to the SSC’s business and he had used some of SSC’s resources (namely, his SSC computer and SSC training sessions) when developing it. 2. What can Pierre do to make his departure from SSC amicable? Should he have left sooner? What ongoing obligations does he have to SSC? Pierre should consider returning all the documents and electronic devices in which he had at hand. Pierre has a non-disclosure provision that prohibits Pierre from using or disclosing any confidential information that he learned while working for SSC. To leaving sooner he should …show more content…

Can the company imply in its advertising that plants with large electricity demands can run exclusively on solar power collected with CadWatt Solar Cells? There are two warranties that can be implied to a product. Express and Implied warranty. The seller may disclaim any warranties of quality if it follows specifically delineated rules in the UCC designed to ensure that the buyer is aware of, and assents to the disclaimers. There is a sales agreement, which provides provisions of limited liability, no other warranties, limitation of liability, acceptance of these terms. In the case of stating if it can run exclusively of solar power collected with CadWatt Solar Cells it would only work if the statement were true. 14. Does the company need to be concerned that the property it is considering leasing for manufacturing is near a river? Yes, there can be issues when it comes to flooding in the area where the building can be affected through water damage. They can also be liable if an employee drowns in the river. Now if the company has insurance such as third party liability the company could be covered. 15. How should the company resolve a claim for assault, battery and false imprisonment arising out of an altercation with one of the company’s employees and how can the company protect itself against such claims in the future? Under the doctrine of respondeat supervisor, an

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