
Psy 375: The Five Characteristics Of Human Development

Better Essays

Life Span Perspective Paper
Cindy Amundson
April 11, 2011
Professor Deborah Wilkerson, M.A., ABD

The study of human development is a science. It is based on theories, data, analysis, critical thinking, and sound methodology (Berger). Five characteristics of Development that will be discussed in this paper are multidirectional, multi-contextual, multicultural, multidisciplinary and plasticity. There are also five theories of development which are psychoanalytical, behaviorism, cognitive, socio-cultural, and epigenetic theory. Together these characteristics and theories can be used together to get a better understanding of the human development and how much genetics play a role in development and how much the …show more content…

These fields include but are not limited to psychology, biology, sociology, anthropology, neuroscience, economics, religion, history, medicine, genetics and others. Multi-contextual aspects refer to the part of development which influences the development of an individual based on historical, family and economical conditions.
Theories of Development There are five theories of development which are psychoanalytical, behaviorism, cognitive, socio-cultural, and epigenetic (Santrock). These theories help develop an outline from which to explain the patterns and problems of development (Berger). I am only going to discuss two of these which are psychoanalytical and behavioral. Psychoanalytical theory of development originated from Sigmund Freud. This is considered the theory that created the foundation for which the other four theories developed (Polan E. & Taylor D.). Freud’s theory is based on the idea that development which occurs in the first six years of life occurs in three stages which are oral, anal phallic stage and are sexual pleasure centered. The oral stage pertains to the stimulation of the mouth which can be obtained through sucking during infancy. The anal stage pertains to the stimulation of the anus which can relate to the awareness of using the bathroom through potty training during early childhood ages of development. The phallic stage pertains to the

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