
Management By Exception-Active (Fb-A)

Decent Essays

At one point or time everyone has dreamed of that perfect leader. Whether or not we achieve that status can vary with many different situations. Over the short amount of time attending this class we’ve learned about many different leadership behaviors. One behavior that hit home to me and I find important is management by exception-active (MBE-A).
I’m sure we’ve all had that strict father or mother that was always watching us making sure we cleaned our room, did our homework, and came home on time. MBE-A keeps people and processes in control, monitoring and controlling followers through forced compliance with rules, regulations, and expectations for meeting performance standards and behavioral norms (Mod 3 Full Range Leadership Development). My mom would’ve been quick with that belt to correct me if she saw that I haven’t cleaned my room or came home before dinner because that was her standard. Just like in the Air Force we all have standards and policies we abide by. …show more content…

I work in the electricity field and that is nothing to play with for it has the potential to kill you. A lot of SSgt’s and TSgt’s has been disregarding what their airman has been doing lately like not showing up for physical training or not completing their end of day duty checks. It’s not until an airman makes a mistake when a noncommissioned officer (NCO) corrects them on their wrongdoing. I believe this is a careless way of doing things and there seems to be no initiative to want to make things better. I was always a firm believer that you should leave the things you are in charge of better than it was before. So when you are in charge of an additional duty, airman or work center. That additional duty, airman or work center should be more improved than when you had received

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