
Minorities Are An Optimistic

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Minorities are Optimistic All throughout history, people have had to face hardships, learn from them, and grow. Different eras, starting from the 1890s and ending at the 1920s, show the truth that even though there are hardships, politically and socially, one may still be optimistic. Minorities often want to see a change for how they are viewed in society. The Populist Platform, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Carrie Chapman Catt, are all fitting examples. Although they are all minorities and not as politically supported, they look at their situations and try to make the best out of what they have to do.
The People’s party, or Populist platform of 1892, was one group that was optimistic with regards to how they acted politically and economically. The platform created an extensive list of proposals that was centered around the goal of restoration. In the preamble though, they are more pessimistic. The …show more content…

Through her book, Gilman was able to remain optimistic. Women and other minorities admired Gilman, “her writings had a strong impact on the first generation of twentieth-century feminists.” Women and Economics is still very relevant today. “Women of ease and wealth provide for their children better than the poor woman can; but they do not spend more time upon it themselves, nor more care and effort. They have other occupation.” Mothers often put their kids first, even if they struggle to support their family and Gilman understands this. Gilman states that the mothers’ food, clothing, and luxuries are not related to their power to work and maintain a house. They are only related to who she marries and depends on. The mother is dependant on the man and how much he can give to her. Gilman says, “but presently she arose,” when writing about how industries and technology has changed women's role in society. Instead of being at home all day, these women were able to rise up and work in the

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