
Mkt 421 Week 3 Assignment Of Marketing

Decent Essays

There are many products and services offered to consumers on a daily basis. These are separated into four general categories. However, according to Tanner and Raymond (2012), it is important to note that these categories are not meant to differentiate the characteristic of the product, but more as a category of how a consumer views or purchases them (pg. 117).
Main Points and Discussion
The first of these offerings is called the Convenience offering. As implied, the products in this category are convenience products such as milk, bread etc. There is not much product difference between Brand A and Brand B so consumers are not fussed if they cannot get the brand they like and would very easily switch to another brand if it is available. The …show more content…

In this instance, consumers would spend a greater amount of time researching the various competing brands before settling on a purchase. Products that fall into this category are computers, hand-phones, refrigerators etc. For me, this would be for skincare. If I had to switch from Brand A to Brand B,
I would have searched online and read product reviews, seeking out friends’ opinions before switching brands.
The third Consumer offering is Specialty offerings. These products and their brands vary greatly in look, quality, functionality and image. These products are more exclusive, promises a certain lifestyle to the consumer, and are slower moving as compared with Convenience and Shopping offerings and therefore would enjoy a higher profit margin.
The sales and after sales services would also be immensely different from a salesperson selling bread or eggs in a local supermarket. I would place the different types of cars in this category. For instance, when I was searching to buy a family car, I must have taken at least 3 months of research, test drives, repeated visits to different car showrooms before settling on the car of my

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