
Moral Indiscretion Of Public Trust

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Abstract The public trust is an important piece of fabric in the tapestry of society. The concept of the public trust comes from the basic framework of the democratic society ideal. The public trust can also be evidenced in and take the form of a charitable trust. Charitable trusts exist for the betterment and assistance to different elements and conditions within a society. The case analysis presented researches a sensitive and all-too-familiar topic: moral indiscretion that risks the public trust. The specific issue presented here is that of the perception of moral indiscretion(s) of the leader and founder of a private voluntary organization based on a media article. This paper shall research the facts of the case study and offer …show more content…

A plan forward must address this problem and provide the most positive solution possible. If there were to be some sort of further story or scandal outlining the founder’s actions, the Board will be required to answer to its stakeholders. The fact that there was prior evidence of the same behavior, although not necessarily captured by media photograph is a serious issue that the Board previously allowed to go on without addressing. Because of this fact, and also the fact that the founder himself should not have put himself nor the organization in this position, it would seem that the plan would be to issue a very strict warning to the founder and also develop a shared responsibility to insure accountability and responsibility on both sides for the continued success of the organization and benefit to the stakeholders. The responsibility of the founder needs to be dealt with. His actions have a severe impact on the organization. The Board needs to warn the founder that they will insure that the board will have an open door policy for complaints of misconduct by any staff member, including the founder. A 2007 national study on non-profit corporations noted …show more content…

A clear policy on ethics, sexual harassment, and consensual relationships must be implemented, if not in place. Any non-disclosure or concealment of a relationship that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest should be grounds for immediate termination. The Board should also canvas the stakeholders and ask if there is any damage from the incident to their trust in the organization and its goals, mission and vision. This would avoid endless speculation and allow the organization to deal with facts. Kirk Hanson, in an ethics journal article chronicled the need for such protocols. He opines, “If an association today does not have a process for throwing out a member, it had better create one (Hanson, 2003). It has been said that, ‘Honesty breeds trust, and the more trust areas in a society, the better that society functions (Starling, 2011).” It is difficult to regain trust and credibility once they are lost. Organizations such as the one in our case study are no exception. They have to be more alert to abuse than others, because they depend on the

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