
Motivation Or Incentives (Chapter 4, Chapter 5)

Decent Essays

Motivations or Incentives (chapter 4, 5) Motivation is the effort that is put in to something in order to reach a certain point or goal in a career. This can be motivation to get up and go to work, or motivation to get the job done when at work. Motivation can come from feelings and thoughts felt on the inside, or actions and tasks that are done on the outside. The inside motivations are called intrinsic motivators, which is the internal desire to complete a task. This could bring personal satisfaction, so for example losing a desired amount of weight would be an intrinsic motivator. For Henrys Plumbing and Pumps, some of their intrinsic motivators could be the desire to complete a pump job by a certain date in order to go on vacation on …show more content…

An incentive can be that completing a goal will get you something or some sort of outcome that has been desired but unreachable up until that point. There are four types of incentives that relate to the work place. There is the compensation incentive, which tends to relate to money, meaning this could be a raise or a promotion or anything along the lines of financial gain. There is also recognition incentives which tend to include praises and congratulatory pat on the backs by people surrounding you at work, but mostly those of a higher level then you. Then there is the reward incentives, these are basically prizes given for doing an excellent job, this could be a gift card somewhere, or a free lunch, or any time of added bonus or present. The last incentive applied to employees when it comes to their jobs is the appreciation incentive, this includes company paid events, perhaps the annual Christmas party, or faculty mixer. All of these things are incentives for employees to work harder at work. At Henrys plumbing and Pumps, incentives could include Henry offering to buy the group lunch after a long day, or throwing a barbeque at the end of each month to show the staff that he appreciates the work that they

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