
Music Analysis

Decent Essays

Berthold Auerbach once said, “Music washes away, from the soul, the dust of everyday life”. No one really knows when music first appeared in this world, but we do know that music has been among us for a very long time. Some define music as a bunch of notes put together to make a song, but I say it is so much more than that. Music is a way to tell stories, share emotions, a way to bring people together. It is part of who we are as people. It is in our culture, our religion, and it defines us. It helps us remember the many wonderful memories from our past and helps us imagine an amazing future. So you see, it is important to make music a part of your life.
First of all, music is not just a bunch of sounds, it is a story. Every part symbolizes …show more content…

In the beginning of this song, it sounds like the knight is getting ready for battle. The song is upbeat and gives you a sense of pride. Then he sets off to go fight the dragon. The rhythm accelerates and the notes highlight the strikes of the knight and the beast. In the middle of the song, the knight is badly injured and the music begins to slow down. The music is slow and sad as he remembers his family awaits, so he regains his strength and fights back. At this point, the music begins to pick up again and the sound of the strikes continues as he fights against the dragon once more. Then the music stops, leaving you to decide the outcome. If you listen to this song, you will notice that it has no lyrics. Not knowing that the …show more content…

Think about it, when you hear your favorite band is having a concert, what do you do you do? You try to go see that concert. When you’re at the concert, you see hundreds of people that also wants to see the band perform. What about teenagers in a school band or orchestra going to field trips to compete with others? What about their performances, when their families come see them perform? When people play together as musicians, they become a miniature family. They work together, they have each other’s backs, and they provide inspiration, not just for other members, but to all who listen. Take Michael Jackson for example, he inspired so many with only one song. This song is called, “Man in the Mirror”. He created it so that people can try to change the world, so that we all have equal rights. Like he says in the song, “If you want to make the world a better place, then look at yourself and then make a change”. Meaning, everyone needs to start changing their way of thinking individually and so that the whole world can be at peace. Like in marching band, everyone needs to give it their all so that the whole band looks amazing. Michael Jackson wrote this song to inspire people to make a stand for themselves and others. He truly wanted to change the world and everyone’s hearts (even though he didn’t actually write the song). Michael jackson used music as an “international language” so that everyone can understand his message. Many

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