
Nazi Germany Chapter 6 Summary

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The passages from Pauley chapter 5 and Williamson chapter 6 shows how the three authoritarian empires [German Reich, Italy, Soviet Union] planned to maintain power for centuries. All three nations followed two principles to ensure their regimes lasted, turning coercion into consent and using Youth Groups to indoctrinate the future generations. The German Reich also created a new world order Volksgemeinschaft ‘People’s Community’, but only the racially pure could be a part of it.
Threats and violence can control a population for only so long, to use the violence to make consent will ensure long-lasting stability. Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy focused on consent to control its people while Soviet Russia used coercion to control its people, but later used consent. Nazi Germany used legal means to gain consent among the people [Enabling Act 1933, Calling a referendum to allow Hitler to merge executive with parliamentary powers] Fascist Italy used traditional authority (Monarchy and Church) to gain consent. Soviet Russia shifted from a focus on …show more content…

Installing the parties values into the minds of kids. Italy had the Opera Nazionale Balilla which contained kids between the ages of 6 to 18. Less on political indoctrination and more aimed towards mass organization of the youth to build character (obedience to authority). Kids who did not join the association due to anti-Fascist parents faced discrimination in their schools and when they started their careers. The Communist League of Youth [Komsomol] made for 15 to 23 year olds. It oversaw sporting, cultural, and social activities. By 1939 it had 9 million members in its three subdivisions. The Little Octobrists (for kids 6 to 9, sang patriotic songs and taught of how vile religion was), The Young Pioneers (for kids 9 to 15 played war games and camped where they told stories of Lenin’s life and the revolutionary

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