
Normandy Day Research Paper

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It was a dreary day on June 6, 1944. Most of Europe had been seized by the German forces and was under Hitler’s rule. The beaches of Normandy were filled with Nazi German soldiers armed with bunkers and machine guns, awaiting the arrival of the allied forces. At approximately 6:30 am the first allied crafts landed on Normandy beach full of young men, most not yet 20 years old and ready to give their life to stand up to the Nazi regime. On this day the world would forever be changed, and Hitler’s dreams of a world under Nazi control were crushed. It was on D-day that through taking control of Normandy Beach and stopping the Nazi advances that the Allied forces changed the course of the war and ended the Nazi reign of terror upon the world. In …show more content…

One of the most notable effects would be the defeat of the german troops on that day. In this victory the course of history was changed because without this victory there is no telling how much more control the Nazis would have taken across the world. This was the beginning of the end of the nazi’s quickly approaching control of the world. One of the less notable but still highly influential effects was the reinvigoration of the spirit of the american people. “They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate.”(Prince SJ) — President Franklin D. Roosevelt. When roosevelt said this he knew that he was not only speaking for himself, but on behalf of all those fighting the war. He knew that they were not fighting to cause harm, but rather to bring an end to it. He knew that he had to fight the Germans with all the ferocity that him and his allies could muster in order to return Europe to its peaceful …show more content…

They hadn’t come here to fear. They hadn’t come to die. They had come to win.”(Prince SJ) — Stephen E. Ambrose, Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. Lieutenant Welsh saw the very embodiment of the american people when he looked at the sleeping soldiers coming to battle. These men had every reason to not fight and to just lay down and not suffer. They chose to stand up and fight because they knew that is was their job to protect not only the freedom of the americans, but also the good of all the people on

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