
North Korea Rhetorical Devices

Decent Essays

Rhetoric is a form of communication that assists in improving the power of writers or speakers in connecting, persuading and informing their audience. Rhetoric which is commonly used within speeches, isn’t just empty words that completes a speech. It helps the speech acquire the power and persuasion needed, along with converting and compelling the audience by which the success of informing the audience will be judged not by the knowledge, but by what the audience receives.

An example of a rhetoric is Yeonmi Park’s speech. A heart wrenching and personal speech presented by a young girl that marked a huge impact, not only because of her personal experience but the way she presented and expressed her story using various rhetoric devices. These rhetoric devices made it possible for her to deliver her …show more content…

With a strong start, she indescribably described North Korea as an unnatural country, an unusual quality to describe a country. The use of emotive language along with hyperbole and oxymoron, conveys and emphasises the unimaginable life in Korea by which no individual have ever seen. It effectively creates a visual imagery drawing feeling to them with great emotional intensity to begin with. Continuing on the speech with Asyndeton “We aren’t free to sing, say, wear or think what we want”, and later added Anaphora, “No books, no songs, no press no movies about love stories. There is no Romeo and Juliet.” Both of these depicts the never-ending list of restraints in north Korea and the amount of freedom they had in their hands. The ongoing speed, rhythm and pace makes the speech more dramatic and effective by which it lead the speaker in conveying her point. Listening to a speech is empty without something that

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