
Examples Of Ethos Pathos Logos

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Rhetoric is the idea of persuasion. Its basic idea is to influence someone to believe in our idea or help understand the message we are trying to deliver. In our daily life we use rhetoric in many places. This includes verbal communication as well as non-verbal communication such as body language and facial expression. In the workplace it can be used to communicate with people effectively.
The idea of rhetoric came from Aristotle. This includes three means of persuasion or rhetorical devices: ethos, logos and pathos. Ethos is how well the person is known for their qualities such as reliability, demonstrated skill, authority etc. People will spend their time listening to a well known community leader about important issues but they would not …show more content…

To make sure the message of the speaker get across the proper emotional atmosphere must be created before delivering the message. An example of this is the tribute to Robbin Williams during the Grammys. For the people that didn’t know him and what he did the idea was to convey that he was a good actor and a good man who put a smile on others faces during his career. The emotional connection was made before the message was conveyed by the use of the word “tribute” which mostly used for some one who is deceased. Since most people tend to be compassionate for the people who have died as would be positive outpouring towards the character despite is addiction to drugs which is usually frowned …show more content…

At one point, people thought that the plague was spread by cats. If one assumes that cats spread the disease, the obvious solution to the problem is to eliminate the cats, and so people began killing cats on sight. However, we now know that the plague is spread by fleas which live on rats. Because cats kill rats, killing off the cat population led to an increase in the rat population, a corresponding increase in plague carrying fleas, and thus an increase in cases of plague in

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