
Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment

Decent Essays

3) Based on my food guide, I would have to make slight adjustments to what I eat in general because currently, I am lacking food from the Milk and alternatives category. Therefore, I believe that I would need to consume more foods like, Yogurt and Cheese, since I don’t like the taste of milk and it also upsets my stomach. Another adjustment that I would need to make to what I eat in general is that, I should create a limit for my consumption of meat and alternatives category since it looks like I am consuming more than the recommended servings per day, which is two. Last but not least, according to my food guide, it is recommended that I have at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables, therefore, I would try to have another serving of …show more content…

For example, when I get really worried about an upcoming exam or test, it often upsets me. Therefore, I would approach a friend or an adult that I don’t mind talking to and make them listen to my concerns. A strategy that I use when I talk to a friend or an adult is that I would try to pinpoint the most important concerns that I have and I would look at their reactions so that I know when to stop when they begin to lose focus on listening to my problem. Another way that I use to handle my uncomfortable emotions is to do exercise, especially yoga because the soothing music allows my mind to relax. In addition, the yoga routines allows me to focus on them instead of my emotions because if I lose focus, then I wouldn’t be able to hold a position for the anticipated time as it wouldn’t be as effective. The strategy I use during yoga is to choose soothing music that I like, for example it could be violin or piano covers of pop songs that I like. Another technique that I use is to find a place where I can fully relax without having people interrupt me during my session, for example, this could be at a park, or in my own

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