
Nt1330 Unit 1 Assignment

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In order to first begin to create a website one needs not only come up with a name and logo, if they do not already have one, but also need to buy a domain name. The domain name can be bought from many different Host websites, such as GoDaddy and Network Solutions, and should be short and easy for people to remember and type. One is less likely to get traffic through their site if the domain name is hard to type and/or remember. After that, one needs to figure out what kind of site they want, if they do not know already. Are they going to be Business-to-business site, which is where transactions of buying and selling goods and services are between two different businesses? Are they going to be Business-to-Customers site, which is where the business is selling their goods or services to a customer? Are they going to be a Costumer-to-Costumer site, which is a third-party site, like Amazon or Etsy, that allows transactions of buying or selling services or goods be between two different consumers? Or are they just going to have a purely informational site, meaning one just supplies information whether then having consumers purchase services or goods through the site. …show more content…

Something to consider when writing the code is the different folders each page is saved in. The main folder that contains the Sub-Directory or all the sub-folders such as CSS, images, HTML, JavaScript, etc.., is called the Subject Directory. In order to link the individual pages together and link images, videos, etc.., one has to make sure the file path is between the folders are clear. If they are not clear, then the images will not be displayed properly. With today’s technology ever growing and changing, something to ensure that ones’ site is fully functional is making it responsive, which would allow for the site to be viewed on phones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Google will not display your site as a search option if it is not

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