
Overview of Banking System of Thailand

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Overview of Banking System of Thailand

Table of Content

Structure of Thai Banking System
1. Central Bank
2. Financial Institutions
2.1 Commercial Banks 2.1.1 Commercial Banks
2.1.2 Retail Banks
2.1.3 Foreign commercial bank’s subsidiary
2.1.4 Foreign commercial bank’s branch
2.2 Finance Companies
2.3 Credit Foncier Companies
3. Specialized financial institutions
3.1 Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC)
3.2 Government Housing Bank
3.3 Government Savings Bank (GSB)
3.4 Export Import Bank of Thailand
3.5 Islamic Bank of Thailand
3.6 Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand (SME Bank)
3.7 Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation …show more content…

1.3 Regional offices
The Bank of Thailand Regional Offices, including the Northern, Northeastern and Southern Region Offices, are under the management of Planning and Budgeting Group. These offices monitor illegal financial activities and status of business groups in their respective regions. Also, they supervise the finance industry and protect consumers in those regions.

1.3 Banknote Operations Centres
In order to ensure that banknotes in circulation are in good condition, the centres distribute new banknotes to local commercial banks, dispose unfit banknotes, verify and manage the redemption of damaged or counterfeit banknotes

1.4 Overseas Representative Offices
These offices oversee and analyze the economy and technical developments for international reserve management by contacting financial institutions and foreign investors. The representative offices are in New York, London and Beijing.

2. Financial institutions
Financial institutions in Thailand include commercial banks, finance companies and credit foncier companies according to section 4 of Financial Institution Business Act, B.E. 2551.
2.1.1 Commercial Banks
Commercial banks are public limited companies, which include the

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