
Diane Baumrind's Typology

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Parenting Paper Diane Baumrind’s typology has two major dimensions. The first dimension is responsiveness. In the text it mentions that responsiveness “refers to the extent in which parents respond to and meet the needs of their children.” (Knox 364). This is when parents support, encourage, and foster their children’s needs. The second dimension is demandingness which is “the matter in which parents place demands on children in regard to expectations and discipline.” (Knox 364). This is about how strict a parent is and how much control these use on their children. Diane Baumrind lays out four parenting styles. These styles are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved. The authoritarian parent is a parent that has high …show more content…

The next parenting style is permissive parenting. These parents are warm. Although they are warm they are not involved with their children and their activities. They also don’t have control of the behavior of their children. These parents do not have many rules and allow their children to do what they want to do, whenever they want to do it. “Their children eat meals and go to bed when they feel like it and watch as much television as they want” (Berk 389). In the book Infants, Children and Adolescents it mentions that these children become disobedient. It mentions that they do poorly in school, have more antisocial behaviors, become dependent, and are rebellious. The last parenting style is uninvolved style. This is when the parent is cold and not strict. The parent is not involved with their children. They don’t have time for their children. Children with these parents end up acquiring many problems. “poor emotional self regulation, school achievement difficulties and frequent antisocial acts…” (Berk 389). As it mentions in Infants, Children and Adolescents, when this becomes extreme, this parenting style can be categorizes as neglect. My mom used the authoritative parenting style. She was warm and accepting. She was very involved in my activities. She would come to all my school events and plays. My

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