
Performance Incentives

Decent Essays

Individual Assignment 3 Teachers and Performance Incentives Name several jobs that commonly use pay-for-performance to motivate employees. A new phase is sweeping the public school districts to implement pay-for-performance incentives for teachers. Pay-for-performance is most widely known as commission based pay. Jobs that commonly use a commission pay structure include production line workers, salesmen (cars, insurance, and merchandise), real estate agents, loan officers, and stockbrokers. What are some of the criticisms of paying teachers based on performance? There is little research available proving the merit base pay works for teachers. In addition to no evidence of the effectiveness, paying teachers based on performance can burden …show more content…

“Crowdsourcing is the practice of outsourcing tasks to a broad, loosely defined external group of people in order to introduce new more developed skill sets and improve efficiency” (Rouse, n.d.). In the video, the Japanese people were using crowdsourcing uniquely to map radiation caused by the Fukushima nuclear meltdown. Their goal is for the public to use Geiger Counters to find and record radiation hot spots. What are the advantages and disadvantages to using crowdsourcing compared to traditional employees? Crowdsourcing opens a business up to a diverse workforce. Employees can be implemented and removed quickly to meet specific needs. Companies can hire on demand to specific needs or skill sets. Using crowdsourcing excessively can reduce a company’s quality. Crowdsourced employees are very much like a traditional new hire. New hires take a year or two to spin up on company knowledge to gain greater proficiency. A set amount of traditional employees are required to maintain client …show more content…

The crowd in crowdsourcing is random and does not typically meet the definition of team. A crowdsourced employee is utilized for specific tasks or skill sets to help the team. However, a crowdsourced employee is task focused and benefits the team. In my opinion the crowdsource employee is best described as a team resource. Call Centers and Customer Service What knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed to perform the job of working in a customer service call center? Working in a customer service call center requires both hard and soft skills. Ranked high among the essential communication skills needed is an employee able to steer conversations and diffuse angry callers to resolve caller issues (Brunot, n.d.). An employee who can remain calm and courteous during rude conversations while speaking clearly represents an individual with call center skills. The hard skills that an employee would need include basic computer skills such as Microsoft Office, a decent typist, and proficient with the number pad. How can companies improve customer service? The video provided in this assignment eludes that businesses improve customer service, by handling customer service through call centers that are in house. The goal for any customer service representative is to be able to say yes to the customer on the other

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