
Personal Reflection

Decent Essays

1.In my short time being on this earth , I’ve known a lot of people.
2.Some were good, while some others might not have been so pleasant, but yet, I still remember them.
3. I’ve learned that throughout life, some people can leave big impacts on you, or of little impact, but somehow all of them shape you in some different way.
4. Their impacts could change you for the better or maybe change you in ways you don’t like.
5. The person who has changed my life and affected it the most would be my mom.
6.Mom has been a shining example of what it means to be loving, caring, and God-fearing.
8. I’ve always appreciated my mom, but in the last couple years, I’ve grown to be more appreciative and thankful for my mom.
9. I have learned a lot from her and she has been the role model I’ve always looked up to.
10. The most important thing I believe she has done for my siblings and I, is pointing out to us what is wrong.
11. She tells us to stay away from certain things which will not only help us be better people overall, but to help us be better Christians.
12. There are many stories that come to mind when I think about what I have learned from her, but I am only going to share three.
13. In these three experiences, I have learned to not let anything bring me down, to listen to others before coming up with a conclusion, and to be supportive of others.

1. My mom has impacted my life the most out of anyone I know.
2.She has always set a good example of what it means to be loving.
3. When I was around eleven years old, my older brother, who was only fifteen years old at the time had gotten his girlfriend pregnant.
4. My brother along with his girlfriend were underage at the time and it seemed as everyone was mad at them.
5.My mother was mad at first, but then she realized how she had reacted and she was not content with how she had reacted.
6. The next day after she had found out about the news, she went straight into mom mode and started planning for how she was going to help take care of the baby.
7. Instead of freaking out like the other adults, she made a plan to help my brother and his girlfriend.
8. I remember asking her, “ is everything was going to be alright?” and since I was only eleven years old at

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