
Pet Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

3- PET scan findings All of our patients had a mediastinal lymph nodal SUV ≥ 2.5 as per our inclusion criteria. Most of our patients had fallen in the N2 category, representing 73.5% of our patients while N3 represents 26.5%. When we compare this to the post mediastinoscopy nodal state , we found that N3 state had gone up by 5.5% representing 32% of the sample. It was hoped that a PET will provide better results than CT scan. Studies on PET reported a high sensitivity of 67 to 100%, with a specificity of 70 to 100% and an accuracy of 80 to 100% for the imaging of lymph nodes. Unfortunately, nonspecific inflammatory reactions in lymph nodes.can accumulate FDG as well . The false positive results with PET have …show more content…

We found that 85% of our patients had a tumour SUV ≥ 2.5 which goes with our inclusion critera, where mediastinal lymph node had been positive in the entire studied sample. It should be highlighted that if the primary tumour does not have significant FDG uptake, the mediastinal lymph nodes should not be expected to uptake FDG, even if involved (29).

4- Mediastinoscopy findings 3 patients, representing 9%, had negative pathology for mediastinal lymph node involvement. These patients were considered for surgery. The false positive result reported by PET scan could be attributed to pneumonia in which two of our patients had suffered three months earlier; the third patient had suffered from silicosis. Our false positive PET rate was much lower than that reported by Gonzalez et al., where he had 202 patients who underwent PET and subsequent mediastinoscopy, the initial false-positive rate was 55%: of the 65 patients with positive mediastinal PET scan results, 36 had a negative mediastinoscopy. The difference in both results could be attributed to the difference in sample size and interobserver variability in the interpretation of PET scan results.(30)

In our study, post mediastinoscopy histopothological results have shown that squamous cell carcinoma had the highest prevalence (35%) followed by adenocarcinoma 23.5%. This coincides well with Boffettaet al. (18), but different to that published by De Leyn et al.

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