
Pinnacle Manufacturing Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Due to the high-profile nature of our launch, I would suggest we not wait for failure to occur after the product has shipped to market. We need only look at what occurred to our competitor last year when the battery in their devices failed in a horrendous manner. The loss in revenue due to a recall, or device replacement would hurt our bottom line. As a new company, we should strive for quality, and not race products out before they are ready. I’m not inclined to take a chance just to save money upfront. If the launch fails, the company fails.

Since failure is not an option, we need to look at the remaining quality cost of appraisal and prevention. Investing in quality is the direction we need to take, however, there are various approaches. We could go the appraisal route, and setup multiple manufacturing inspection points, in addition to lab testing. Allocating cost in this area would provide a level of confidence that our devices would reach the market with minimal issues. …show more content…

If the employees are properly trained on how to use the equipment, it could reduce the number of manufacturing defects, which in turn would reduce the need for the multiple manufacturing inspection points as outlined under appraisal cost. Also, spending the time on design and mock-ups would allow us to discover possible defects before the manufacturing process even

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