
Pro Mujer Case Summary

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Pro Mujer was funded by Lynne Patterson and Carmen Velasco. Today, we are very sustainable, earning more that $53,070,394 in loans (as of 2015), $4,829,741 from grants and contributions, and $272,530 from in-kind contributions. We also have several investors such as the Calvert Foundation, the Mercy Partnership Fund, Feed the Hunger, Sisters of St. Dominic, and The Osprey Foundation, whom contribute to our project. Our operating expenses the past few years were the following (in dollars), however they are covered by our assets. Operating expenses 2015 2014 Credit and other program services 44,555,695 45,374,794 Management and general 3,575,339 3,568,804 Fundraising and development 1,954,000 2,039,317 Total Operating Expenses 50,085,034 50,085,034 Change in net assets before non-operating expenses 336,586 3,382,539 Income tax expense (1,098,837) (1,172,563) Translation adjustment (3,558,178) (2,094,457) Prior year adjustment (248,852) _______- Change in Net Assets (4,569,281) 115,519 Net assets, beginning of the year 60,862,935 60,747,416 Net Assets, End of Year 56,293,654 60,862,935 …show more content…

For the medical division we will need all the equipments and drugs to treat/diagnose out patients. Since we have a focus on diagnosing cancer we will need the equipment necessary to run the tests in order to diagnose the disease in a patient. For the education service we will need the material necessary to provide our students with just, clear and reliable content, so they can improve and become more developed. For the micro-finance services, we will need the facilities, personnel and equipments necessary to offer our clients and donors/partners a reliable deal, so that everyone profits from

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