
Pros And Cons Of Building The Keystone Pipeline

Satisfactory Essays

You and a couple of employes are finishing up a pipeline then something goes wrong and it suddenly explodes you and the other employes end up dead. This is a scenario that can happen if we build the Keystone Pipeline. Therefore we should not have the Keystone Pipeline XL built because it will cause environmental issues, citizens will not benefit and the pipeline will go through private and public lands.

If we do build the Keystone Pipeline XL it will cause environmental issues. Many environmentalist say that it could leak and damage our water supply and that the project would just expand the extraction of oil sands a heavy dirty hard to clean oil that is not at all good for our environment. Research has said that extracting oil from the tar sands generates more greenhouse gases than extracting oil through more conventional methods and therefore contributes to a greater amount of greenhouse gas emissions over time. Environmentalists also fear that a leak from a pipeline carrying the heavy oil-sands petroleum …show more content…

Secondly you might also think that providing us jobs is one things that benefit citizens but almost all the jobs working with the pipeline are short term so people will once again have to go through the struggle of a finding a new job. Also you may say that the companies of the keystone will give you money for land but some landowners do not accept the keystone to take their land because it they have should have a right if they want to give away their land or not.

All in all i think that the Keystone Pipeline XL should not be approved. It will cause environmental issues, citizens won't benefit from i and it will go through public and private lands.Please take these points into consideration and fight against the approval of the Keystone Pipeline

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