
Psy 1012 Week 2 Human Development Research Paper

Decent Essays

Introduction to Psychology Course Journal
Natarsha Harris
PSY 1012
October 30, 2015
Instructor: Dr. Taryn Fetscher Week 1: Human Development
I never knew that there was three parenting styles. Before I had children I said that I would put my children in time out when and if they misbehave. Of course after a while that went completely out the window and it did not work that great as my children got older. As another form of discipline I would ground them or take things away such as, toys, television, and games.
Through reading the assigned chapter I have learned that I am an authoritarian parent. “Someone who enforce rules and demand strict obedience to authority.” (Coon & Mitterer, 2016). However a part of this parenting style I do …show more content…

(Baumrind 1966). I have come to realize that my parents and grandparents had this same parenting style. I have realized that I am repeating the cycle and I must break the cycle because if I do not them my children will continue this same cycle as an authoritarian parent instead of an authoritative parent. I would never want to be a permissive parent. This parenting style you are not teaching your children structure. “There are not held accountable for their actions”. (Coon & Mitterer, 2016). As parents we must teach our children there are consequences for our actions. If you do not apply any boundaries or rules as they get older they will feel like the rules do not apply to them. “Permissive parents will cause their children to be dependent, immature, and misbehave frequently.” (Coon & Mitterer, 2016). I believe some parents are like this because they want to be their child’s friend. It is okay to be their friend but there must be some type of guidelines in place.
During the last part of researching parenting styles I found an article in Psychology Today about “How Parenting Styles Affect Your Kids.” According to Psychology Today there are four parenting styles. The fourth style is neglectful parenting and this parenting style the parent would rather let their child sit in front of the television or play video games than to spend time with them. “Communication …show more content…

Some of the psychological effects are paranoia, depression, or suicidal thoughts. Some physical effects are rapid heartbeat, sleepiness, HIV, hepatitis from sharing needles, and respiratory problems. “Once you get started, it can be very hard to stop”. (Calabria et al., 2010, as cited in Cooner & Mitterer, 2016, p. 181). For example, I know someone that decided to try marijuana for the first time. What he did not know was the person had put cocaine in with it. After trying it that first time he did eventually become addicted to drugs and he even started doing heroin. Drugs affect three parts of the brain the cortex, limbic system, and the brain stem. Drug addiction affects the way the brain communicate and the way neurons send, receive, and process information. “Addictive drugs increase dopamine activity.” (Boyd, Harris, & Knight, 2012, as cited in Cooner & Mitterer, 2016, p.

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