
Psychological Disorders: Global Warming And Climate Change

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Global warming and climate change could possibly have a known link to psychological disorders, which are an increasing problem in America. Global warming and climate change can cause natural disasters that can cause a person to ultimately suffer from an anxiety or depression disorder by altering their brain chemistry. It would be unnatural if the World didn’t natural warm up over time and cause natural disasters; however, this research discusses the main points of how human activity is expediting the Worlds’ natural processes. This in turn, causes the statistics of persons with a psychological disorder/illness, to rise. It may be probable to theorize the idea that as the rate of natural disasters increases, so does the number of people diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety and depression. It is highly-likely that the environment Americans live in, is causing mental heath issues.
According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), …show more content…

The major contributors to global warming are four types of greenhouse gases. (Fig. 2). These gases ultimately lead to the greenhouse effect. (Fig. 3). Carbon dioxide is essential to living because when a plant goes through photosynthesis, it is converting Carbon dioxide and water into oxygen that humans need to breathe. (UCSB, 2015) Although CO2 is essential for life, it can have harmful effects. Fossil fuels are any natural fuels that were formed on the Earth’s surface before humans existed. These natural fuels include: Coal, oil and natural gases. Humans have to burn these fuels in order to create vital essentials to life such as energy and electricity. Unlike plants, when we burn these fuels for electricity and energy, Carbon dioxide is released into the Earth’s atmosphere. These gases eventually trap the heat that is supposed to escape the Earth, thus creating higher temperatures on

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