
Request And Buy : Value Propositions Essay

Better Essays

2.2. Request and Buy - Value Propositions Best-in-class organizations build capabilities around buying processes that deliver automation, better compliance and greater visibility for both business and procurement. In addition to investing in the right capabilities, leading organizations build an operating model and category/supplier-centric roadmap to enable and realize the value derived from source-to-pay automation. Cloud solution providers are helping companies achieve this goal and be the leaders in the competitive market. Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce solutions delivers quite powerful and effective online purchasing solution. Technology made online purchasing a very smooth procedure for individuals, for many years and now the buying process for corporate spend usually involves end users purchasing indirect materials from catalogs of contracted suppliers. The online tool will route for automated and pre-defined necessary approvals (based on company’s specific policies and delegation of authorities) and complete the purchasing from the user perspective. Behind the scenes, that purchase request creation, will become a purchase order (PO) for the supplier while that item is connected to a contract which the company negotiated with an approved supplier or directly to the supplier depending on the item set up and catalog which the purchase was made. After receiving the item, the invoice will be generated and managed. Suppliers can flip a PO into invoice. All

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