
Research Paper On Infant Development

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Infant Development
Infant development is inseparable from the progression of the infant’s relationship with caregivers. Contemporary accounts of the early comments highlighted the role of parents and other guardians in supporting infants gradually (Lyons-Ruth & Zeanah, 1993). This is because the infant needs parents who can help her negotiate the developmental task. Thus, there are 4 stages to develop which is birth to 4 weeks, age 1 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months and 6 to 12 months. Birth to 4 weeks
The development of the first stage is birth to 4 weeks. This point is likewise recognized as the Neonatal Period. Infant are held with a number of abilities that become the foundation of future growth. …show more content…

They would more involve in attachment relationships. The infant begins to shift away from the focus on objects or figures to an external environment at about six months. The infant’s confidence in the attachment is established and developing internal ‘schemas’ or representations of the parents and the attachment relationships that allow him to ‘keep the parent in mind’ even when he is not interacting with her (Stern, 1983). When the infant wakes in the morning, they might not cry immediately for the parent to come but they would play with the object for the first 30 minutes before become fussy and started to cry.
As a conclusion, there are four stages of infant development. Which are birth to 4 weeks, age 1 to 3 months, age 3 to 6 months and age 6 to 12 months. Different stages of month discussing difference type of behaviour. It shows how the way to develop attachment for maintaining the baby or infant. There are also several steps that should be taken by the parents as to know their infant’s behaviour better. The infant has different types of behaviour as they were grown up and these behaviour should be acknowledged by all parents in order to raise up their children in a good

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