
Research Study For An Efficient Study Design

Decent Essays

A research study should not only start with an efficient study design to address the hypothesis of the study but also the determination of the appropriate number of participants in the study. The sample size is dependent on the study design, on statistical analysis used to answer the study questions, and on the anticipated association between the outcome and the risk factor. The size a sample should not be too large because it wastes money and time both to the investigators and participants involved in the study. The small size sample may lead to inaccurate results and causes to waste time and resources. In addition to the other reasons, participates in a large sample size may be exposed to unnecessary risk. Therefore, the researchers should take careful attention while determining the appropriate sample size for their studies to avoid the question of ethical practices.
The role of researchers is define the main objective of the study or the research question and the study design before selecting a representative sample size. Then they consider the proportion of participants, and the value of the numbers to put in the formula before determining the sample size. Kamangar & Islami (2013) states that the non-statistical consideration in determining the sample size are the availability of the fund, ethical issues, number of participants available, the novelty of the study, and any similar studies being conducted etc. The investigators give the rationale why their study is

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