
Rhetorical Analysis Of A Professional Document

Better Essays



In reference to the 100A assignment sheet for the rhetorical analysis, a rhetorical analysis is a written work that focuses on analyzing and understanding a published article. In this assignment, students will get opportunities to develop their writing and improve deep analytic skills to identifying rhetorical strategies that writers will use to achieve the purpose of a well-written document. The audience for this analytical paper will be my classmates, professor, and the committee members of the 100A.

To begin with, rhetorical strategies are techniques which writers use in their article to assert and persuade the audience about a specific point. These techniques can include narratives, descriptive, and cause and effect. Using these strategies, a writer is able to introduce the topic and provide examples in order to achieve their purpose, which could be a variety of different things.

In the following rhetorical analysis, I will analyze “Cloud Computing for Increased Business Value” by Abdulaziz Alijabre. Alijabre received his Doctorate degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Bridgeford and is currently a CEO of System security solution company. Alijabre has written numerous articles and “Cloud Computing for Increased Business Value” was written in January 2012. This article gives a perception of how using cloud computing can be beneficial and yet create obstacles in business. The

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