
Rhetorical Situation Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Rhetorical Situations

No one wants to read a boring paper. It will make people tired within minutes. Most textbooks have no word or images that captivate their readers. That’s why people avoid reading them because there’s nothing fascinating about it. Writing about a topic that has conflict and visual literacy will keep the audience interested and wanting to read more about it. In a rhetorical situation, there are tones used for different types of audience. Rhetoric is used for different communities. It needs to be a reliable in a specific topic in order to communicate effectively.
The results you expect from a person through a rhetorical situation must be used with the right tone and voice. Polarizing, passionate, and neutral are the tones that has an effect in an audience. When teachers give lectures in a monotone voice, most students lose interest as fast as a child watching television until someone mentions candy. It gets tiring listening to someone not who’s not enthusiastic about what they talk about. My friends and I get on each others nerves because there’s always a topic that we argue about and my voice gets higher when I speak my opinion. After I say my opinion, my friends say their perspective in a tone which makes them sound sympathetic, passionate, or …show more content…

Having your own style of writing is better than copying someone else’s way of writing. Writing in a specific format can be frustrating, such as essays because it’s uninteresting when writing the way a paper’s assigned repetitively. A book or paper differs when it comes to social media. Books can captivate the reader but social media fascinates a person who can stay on for hours. On websites, such as Facebook, arguments arouse in the comment section over a video or someone who post a status. Many people interact with each other with vulgar, joyful, and sorrowful comments. This is an example where tones can changes depending on a

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