
Rhetorical Situation

Good Essays

Great writers appear in many different ways. Some people are great at creative writing, others are good at essays. Some people even get thousands of likes for making simple posts that others find relatable. A gifted bunch of people can write all well. What do these writers all have in common? They all understand how to use rhetoric, the art or skill of speaking or writing formally and effectively especially as a way to persuade or influence people (site). Below, you may see that I am able to understand rhetorical situation and adapt my posts to the environment it is to be viewed in.
Above is a piece I wrote in a discussion board for my other online class, United States History. The genre, purpose, and context I was to use was made clear in …show more content…

(insert example from the book) Alongside my use of content to meet the requirements for the genre of the post, I made sure to make sure my tone matched the words written.To make sure my writing was written appropirately, I used MLA format to site my source. Citations such as ‘(Foner 10)’ and ‘(Foner 101)’ show that I followed MLA guidelines, which is expected of a writing in an academic setting.My use of straightforward vocabulary prevented the post from becoming a creative writing piece.(insert some example here). The tone taken in the post directly related to my audience; a group of my peers, along with my teacher. It would be inappropriate to include things such as emoticons or any slang abreviations …show more content…

The assumed genre is one of a humorous context, as I use the (potentially) serious format of a list. This contrast of a serious format is directly juxtaposed with the humorous tone, adds comedic value to the post. The purpose of this post was to jokingly “call myself out”- or expose strange traits about myself for my and others enjoyment. That was easily achieved by just simply listing the traits, as displayed in the post. My stance was relatively against myself in the sense that I was highlighting my bad traits. I drew attention to three examples: the fact that I zone out often, my occasional bitter attitude, and the playlist I made just for bad

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