
Safety Data Sheet Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Megann Schmidt
Assignment 2

The primary purpose of a Safety Data Sheet is to be able to find information about the properties, handling, and hazards of a chemical all in one place. As a chemistry student at UNI, these sheets are best used when read in full before handling a chemical to ensure that you are aware of the hazards and proper protective equipment for that particular chemical. They provide many different sections of information about the chemical, its hazards, first aid measures to take if there is an incident with that chemical, and more. Therefore, they aren't only used by chemistry students; they are also used by lab workers, doctors, EMTs, firefighters, and anyone else who needs to know about a chemical substance. These sheets should be readily available anywhere the chemical is stored or used, and they should also be readily available to doctors and emergency responders in the case they need to respond to some form of chemical injury or emergency. …show more content…

It is also a major responsibility of leaders and workers in labs to ensure their Safety Data Sheets are kept up to date and accurate in order to ensure they have accurate information about the chemicals being used. The potential inaccuracy of these sheets greatly surprised me while reading this chapter. It seems crazy to me that companies and people are legally required to have Safety Data Sheets, but there are no laws regarding the accuracy of these sheets. Therefore, one of my big takeaways from this chapter is to look for reliable Safety Data Sheets instead of always just using the first one I can find

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