
Secret Shopper Essay

Satisfactory Essays

1. GSS a. Follow up on GSS; Traffic correlation and prediction model: Kenny. b. Do they have to score food? Does that impact $? 2. Secret Shopper a. Would like to have a new shopping score vendor. b. Helen G. per Dominic Gooder: Do we want to continue reporting on secret shopper for P10? 3. COGS a. There has been a constant issue with invoice recording, thus affecting the accuracy of our actuals. b. NDOs would like to see their beginning and ending inventory in their GLs: Check with Steve – adding beg. and end. Inventory into balance sheet c. Need to implement a system in which all reconciled invoices from NetChef can make it to the P&L in time for MOR reporting. d. New GL accounts for food subcategories, (ex: dairy, meat, etc.…) will be

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