
Seed Lab

Decent Essays

What is a Seed?
General Information on Seeds
Seed Structure includes:
• The embryo is a young sporophyte, tiny plant before it develops from the seed. (
• A seed coat is the protective outer layer of a seed, which keeps the embryo from being damaged as well as from drying out. The seed coat can also be thin and soft. (
• The endosperm is a temporary food supply that is used by the embryo to help with its growth. The endosperm is actually formed around the seed leaves, or cotyledon, which provides a source of food for the plant until the plant forms true leaves. (
• There are different …show more content…

What was the molecule chosen for this experiment?
• For this experiment, we focused on the starch molecules that are contained within the whole-wheat seed.
Key Information on pH
In order for a solution to be acidic or basic, it depends on the hydrogen ions. An acid donates hydrogen ions, while a base accepts hydrogen ions. (
• A pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance can be. (
• A pH scale ranges from 0-14. (
• When a pH ranges less than 7, it is considered to be an acid. A pH that is greater than 7 is basic. When a pH is 7, it is considered to be neutral. (
• On the pH scale, a change of one unit represents a 10-fold change in pH. (
Some experiments that are similar to ours …show more content…

Powers. For his experiment, he tested how the different pH levels can effect lettuce and poppy seed germination. He obtained 5 poppy or lettuce seeds and incubated these seeds for 6 days at room temperature. The solutions ranged from the pH scale from 3 to 11. He also added 2ml of the substances each day. Mariko also measured the root length. (
• In Kayleigh Magahan, Frederick Styles, and Sofia Dinges’ experiment of the Effects of Acidity on Radishes is similar to our experiment. In their experiment, they planted three radish seeds in three jars. In addition, they also used water as the neutral substance, while they used 5.6 pH and 4.5 pH solutions to figure out the effects of acidity on the radishes. They also measured the root as well. Although the base is not present in this experiment, the pH levels were the experimental variable, while the neutral substance was the controlled variable. (Effects of Acidity on Radishes -

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