
Should Genetically Modified Organisms?

Decent Essays

Over the past few decades a new controversy has arisen in the scientific community: should Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) be used in modern society. There are generally two sides to this debate: one being in favor of GMO use and the other against it. Pro GMO activists believe that GMOs can help address hunger issues and help reduce use of pesticides/insecticides while Anti-GMO activists state that it is a threat to the agriculture industry, and should be banned. Both sides have several valid points, however GMO’s are even more complicated from initial glance, and may not be as dangerous as some believe.

1st. Body: GMO’s are organisms whose genetic data has been manipulated through genetic engineering. In most cases these organisms are given a new gene to exhibit a specific trait (ex: Genes of fish in Alaska are used to help plants thrive in colder climates) which hopefully can improve the usefulness of these organisms. To perform this, scientists select a specific gene/trait they hope the target organism will express, and cut using enzymes, and then insert it into a plasmid ( a molecule containing DNA). The plasmid is then added to bacteria, that infect the cells of the target organism. The selected organism grows up, and may exhibit the desired traits the scientists implemented it with. This process has been used on various crops, especially corn, which now expresses many new traits including resistance to insects and naturally produces pesticides. These new crops

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