
Signs Of Psychological Abuse

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Child abuse is broadly defined in many cases as cruelty inflicted upon a child. There are many forms of abuse that leads to a pattern of behavior that impairs a child’s emotional development or sense of self-worth. Psychological abuse is common but few understand the psychological abuse definition enough to spot it. Without the visible signs of physical abuse psychological abuse can stay hidden for years. However, physical abuse is the most visible form of child maltreatment. Many times it results from excessive physical discipline from a parent or caretaker in anger. Children of physical abuse may display withdrawn or aggressive behavior, anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating and academic problems in school. The effects of both …show more content…

This does not mean the child is lying or exaggerating (Tennyson Pa. 2).
Psychological/Emotional Abuse; since emotional child abuse does not leave concrete marks, the signs may be harder to detect. However there are some things that could provide evidence of harm to a child such as a sudden eating disorder, weight substantially below normal, nervous disorder rashes and frequency stomach aches. Behavioral extremes may also be a clue when an older child exhibits behavior more commonly found in younger children (Tennyson Pa. 3).

Psychological/emotional Caregiver signs; the caregiver might seem unusually harsh and critical of a child, belittling and shaming him or her in front of others. Many times anger or issues with control in other areas are very noticeable. A caregiver may also seem strangely unconcerned with a child’s welfare or performance. Keep in mind that there might not be immediate caregiver signs. Tragically, many emotionally abusive caregivers can present a kind outside face to the world making the abuse of the child all the more confusing and scary (Tennyson Pa. 4).

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However abuse a child’s early years can set a course for lifelong consequences, including risky behavior, poor health, and even early death, all with a tremendous human and monetary cost to taxpayers, the meat of our society. So the price society pays for one person who suffers child abuse could possible rang up to thousands of dollars of that individual’s lifetime (CDC Pa. 3). As a report by the CDC, “The total lifetime estimated financial costs associated with just one year of confirmed cases of child maltreatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and neglect) is approximately $124 billion” (CDC Pa.

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