
Social Media And Its Impact On Society

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Social media is a relatively new concept in today 's society. It is one of the main factors in the way we obtain our news, interact with people from around the world, and provides an outlet to express one’s creativity and individuality. Drew Hendricks, an author for the site stated “The first recognisable social media site, Six Degrees, was created in 1997.”. This website paved the way for the biggest social sites today, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vine. All of these sites strive to carry out two things; To inform and connect people. While “staying connected” is becoming more popular as years progress, we as a society are spending more of our time consuming this media, and as we can observe from students everywhere, education is suffering as a result of this digital revolution. Students that are actively involved in social media have consistently lower grades than their counterparts that do not use it as much. Also, social networking contributes to the rise in the cases of ADHD and ADD in younger kids which hinder their performance in the classroom, and with all the freedom social media gives, it is quite easy to forget that whatever we put out there, everyone and anyone can get access to. Social media is a great tool for today 's youth, and it is perfect for the expression of creativity, to connect and inform, but it has gotten to the point that it is now too big of a distraction to today’s youth, and our education is suffering because of

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