
Solution-Focused Therapy Theory

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Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) was drawn out from the work of Milton Erickson. Most people identify SFT with the variation work from Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg. Solution-focused therapy is a therapy that is action oriented and focuses on finding solutions. In SFT, the client is considered the expert (they know exactly what the problem is), and the client has the resources to find a solution. SFT does not focus on diagnoses or assessments but focuses on what the client brings to therapy. Depending on the client and the problem, SFT has a 50% successful rate. SFT has many techniques to use to assist in finding solutions for problems. These techniques range from questioning the client to having the client complete homework assignments. …show more content…

Milton Erickson was labeled unconventional due to his thoughts and idea pertaining to therapy. Milton Erickson did not believe in diagnostics and believed in the power of people to solve their own problems, paving the way for the theory of SFT (Vissor 2013, p. 11). The first variation to the SFT was completed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, and the second variation to the theory was done by Bill O’Hanlon (Murdock 2013, p. 461). Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg was influenced by the work of Milton Erickson and developed an organized core model for SFT. SFT therapy currently uses the work and models developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim …show more content…

In solution-focused therapy, the client is considered the expert on their problems and the client has knowledge on how to solve their problems. The SFT asks questions to the client to assist the client in finding their own resolutions. SFT does not put any emphasis on diagnoses or assessments (left to the medical field) but focuses on the problem of the client. There have been studies on SFT, and based on the findings 50% of clients have success with SFT. Depending on crisis situations, SFT can also be an effective therapy. SFT has some Biblical aspects that can be used in a Christian Counseling setting. Even though has some non-Christian aspects to it, a competent counselor can use the Biblical aspects of SFT for effective

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