
Taking a Look at Control Process

Decent Essays

Control process is the strategy or policy and procedure to define the risk in business activities and helps to manage and control the risk for a long period. Control process helps to achieve the predefined goals of the organization.
Management control is the process of ensuring that actual activities conform to planned activities. Control helps managers monitor the effectiveness of their planning their organizing and their activities

Importance of Control Process
The control process helps business organizations in achieving pre-defined goals. Control process helps to take action in the future and monitoring the efficiency and performance of business employees.
Control process helps in continuous flow of information about projects which keeps them in the right path for a longer period.

Steps in control process Fig 1.1
Control process as a management function involves the following steps:
1. Establishing the performance standards:
Standards should be set to measure the performance. Standards are commonly measured by using different outputs. Some of the standards are as.
a. Time standards:
The standard of measuring efficiency of achieving the goals. The lesser the time consumed to complete specific task the greater the efficiency will be measured.
b. Cost standards:
These standards measure the cost expenses of business organization. The cost on a specific task occurred is measured by setting the standards.

c. Income standards:
These relate

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