
Target's Supply Chain Management Case Study

Decent Essays

Target works on trying to find environmentally friendly ways get the product to the customers. They work on reducing their carbon footprint by working with experts on ways to improve their packaging and transportation. (Target Corporate 2016.) They also try to get their manufactures to use sustainable apparel and footwear products. They encourage their customers to follow manufactures suggestion by washing apparel in cold water to help reduce the usage of water and energy consumption. (Target Corporate 2016.) Targets products come from all over the world.
Target knows their customers want merchandise on the shelves. Target is always working on sourcing and adjusting their supply chain to make sure production, quality, capacity, pricing, and …show more content…

Currently Target Corp operates nearly 2,000 retail stores that are sourced through thousands of vendors, and merchandise finds its way to the stores via 22 regional distribution centers located throughout the United States. Regarding imports, Target's strategy is to route most of the imported merchandise through a small number of import distribution centers on the East & West coasts (mainly Long Beach, CA) and than transfer the goods by truck or rail to the regional distribution centers. In 2001, Target revamped its distribution systems by hiring outside consultants NTE to replace manual operations with electronic inventory and distribution systems. Before the conversion, employees working in supply-chain management relied heavily on manual faxes for much of the sourcing functions completed at the regional distribution centers, which in turn gave employees and managment limited visibility of shipments and order histories. Now a system that links trading parters in a centralized online system is utilized that allows the company to concentrate on orders and their shipments in the early stages of the supply chain. By doing so, the company can take advantage of multiple transportation options, re-route transporation when necessary, correct overruns, and schedule shipments in full trucks. he reduction in costs for supply-chain management have been substantial, allowing Target Corp to continue offering its

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