
The Controversy Of Hosting The Olympics

Decent Essays

There are many mainly two positions supporting or rejecting the topic of whether the Olympics should be held, but there are actual a number of positive evidence that might teach you a few topics you may not have known about hosting of Olympics. The first source material states how hosting the Olympics will benefit any community greatly. The Second source material states that spending millions on the Olympics is a major waste of revenue. The first source has a lot of valid topics of discussion on why you should generally support the hosting of the Olympics. The first source material in the Portland gazette, states that the Olympics are vast opportunities to attract mass amounts of revenue from tourism. Even Olympic cities all have established themselves as world cities through hosting this major event. The second point he makes is that it is an opportunity for thousands of volunteers to get involved in their community; this in turn often results to a general rise In volunteerism on a long term basis. Lastly, the writer states that new sport venues become available, that can be used for years, but also motivation to carry out those road and transportation projects. The second source material comes from the chief economist at bennet and green investment. He states that the simply using tax payer money to construct swimming pools and sport …show more content…

I would have to agree fully with the Mr.krewswiski, and support his claim about all the reasons he stated. I feel that although there are great financial, opportunities, it’s a great communal event that promotes cooperation and volunteerism. My final position, is just the stating the general fact; the Olympics is considered the world’s foremost sports competition with 200 nations participating. I couldn’t image an world, today, where the Olympics would ceased being held for any

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