
The Cultural And Geopolitical Impacts Of Climate Change

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Global warming is the gradual increase in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. It is mostly caused by the increased levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Recently, global warming has been rising and is negatively affecting people, animals, and the weather. It is negatively affecting people by increasing health problems such as, cancers, and respiratory problems. It’s causing animals to be put on the endangered list, or even extinct the species as a whole. And it’s affecting the weather by causing an increase in storms such as hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, etc. Global warming is a huge problem that people tend to ignore, and needs to be put to an end. Global warming harms human health, by causing an increase in illnesses. …show more content…

For instance, in the article “The Cultural and Geopolitical Impacts of Climate Change” written by Lynnley Browning, Chuck Hagel (defense secretary of the President) states, “Climate change poses immediate risks to national security.” This is important because it proves that global warming is affecting the safety of innocent people/citizens of a country. Also, Browning states, “Artic ice cap shrinks, potentially leading to military conflicts, particularly with Russia, which planted a flag on the seabed below the North Pole in 2007 and has some 4,300 miles of Artic coastline.” This is significant because it shows that global warming isn’t only affecting people, but also the military and their alliances/conflicts. Then, in the article “Long-&Short Term Effects of Global Warming” the author (Michelle) states, ““[T]he civil war in Darfur is thought to be the first conflict that can be partially attributed to climate change...The extreme drought in [2003] caused fights to break out over the limited resources of water and food. When the lack of resources was added to the instability of the region, war broke out.” This proves that there have been a lot of conflicts and/or wars and will continue to create conflicts and tension between areas. In another article (“Glaciers Melting Worldwide, Study Finds”) written by Robert S. Boyd he states, “Irrigation and hydraulic power will dry up… rapid rise in sea levels, speeding the flooding or even destruction of low-lying islands and coastal areas.” This is significant because soon, global warming will eventually erode a lot of states, cities, and islands. This will make people move their homes and their jobs in the middle of countries. These are a few reasons how global warming affects the security of humans and causes disputes between countries and their military

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